Territory Screen Industry getting Territorians working

Territory Screen Industry getting Territorians working

Over 300 Territorians are currently working on Amazon Prime and Goalpost Picture’s romantic comedy series, Top End Bub.

The major screen production was brought to the Northern Territory through the Territory Governments Screen Territory Production Attraction Incentive Program (PAIP) with a $1 million investment into the series. Productions filmed in the NT make a significant contribution to the local economy through goods, services and jobs. They also highlight the magnificent Northern Territory to the rest of the country.

The Territory Government is growing our screen industry and committing $90,000 for this year’s Screen Territory SPARK Short Film Initiative.

It is vital to the NT screen sector that emerging NT screen practitioners are supported and the annual SPARK short film initiative is a great way in which to showcase the NT’s creatives, crew and storytellers.

Three early career screen professionals are set to receive $30,000 each to participate in the program that will see them develop their own short films under the guidance of industry leaders. Centred on the theme “Courage” all films will be premiered at the Darwin International Film festival (DIFF) later this year.

As a condition of funding, applicants must be committed to using local production crew, further bolstering jobs and opportunities in the Territory’s increasingly growing screen industry.

SPARK 2024 provides emerging and mid-career filmmakers from the Northern Territory an opportunity to engage with industry experts Panavision, Trackdown Studios, Rainfall Creations, and The Post Lounge to assist successful applicants in the creation of their productions.

All SPARK 2024 films will immediately qualify for entry into the prestigious Australian Academy of Cinema, and Television (AACTA) awards in the Best Short Film category.

The new upgraded SPARK short film initiative ran for the first time in 2023 and produced a stellar line up of films, uncovering some of the Territory’s upcoming creative talents.

Quotes attributed to Chief Minister and Minister for Trade, Eva Lawler:

“My Government is creating working and training opportunities across all sectors.

“The Territory Government is supporting the growth of the Territory’s screen industry by attracting these productions to the Territory which offer invaluable work, networking and upskilling opportunities.

“We are thrilled to see the Northern Territory host yet another major screen production which will showcase our unique culture, creative talent and unrivalled locations to a global audience. It is exciting to see our very own Miranda Tapsell lead the cast and Shari Sebbens return to the Top End as Co-Director.

“SPARK 2024 is a unique opportunity for our emerging filmmakers to showcase their talents and to forge a career in the vibrant Australian screen industry.

“As the Northern Territory screen sector continues to grow we believe that by providing our emerging filmmakers with the resources and support that they need to build best practice and create premium quality screen productions, we can continue to develop a vibrant and sustainable screen industry here in the Territory.”

Northern Territory Government

Chief Minister of the Northern Territory

Photo by John Platt.
From left to right: Rickie Abraham (DITT Media), Libby Collins (Associate Producer), Jennie Hughes (Screen Territory Director), Scott Lovett (DITT D/CEO), Rosemary Blight (Executive Producer), Pam Gray (DITT), Sebastian Angborn (Screen Territory), Josh Tyler (Writer/Creator), Kerry Digby (Screen Territory), Callam Yost (Screen Territory), Sarah Christie (Amazon Studios)
