Career development

Screen Territory aims to identify emerging talent and establish career pathways through internships and mentoring to encourage the next generation to remain in the Northern Territory.

  • You can apply for up to $15,000 per application.

    Eligible events:

    • an attachment to a department or crew role during the production of a screen project
    • an internship with a production company
    • a mentorship.
  • You can apply if:

    • you meet Screen Territory’s general eligibility criteria
    • you are a Northern Territory resident
    • you have the endorsement of the host production company / practitioner or mentor.
  • Your application will be assessed taking into account:

    • your track record, career progression and commitment to developing your expertise in the chosen field
    • the exceptional nature of the opportunity, and the track record and experience of the host production company / practitioner or mentor
    • the identified outcomes and their relevance to your current career stage
    • the appropriateness of the budget submitted.
  • You must submit:

    • one-line description
    • a current one-page CV
    • a personal statement detailing your background, creative and career goals, and interest in the particular role
    • a detailed plan for the attachment, internship or mentorship (agreed to by the company or mentor) which includes:
      • a timeframe or schedule
      • an outline of the type of experience and work to be undertaken, and
      • the intended professional development outcomes
    • a letter of offer or agreement from the production company or mentor confirming the opportunity and the level of involvement you will have with the company's activities
    • a detailed budget including Screen Territory's contribution
    • a current one-page CV for the mentor, or the company or individual offering the attachment or internship.

You can apply for career development funding throughout the year.

Applications close on 18 May 2025 at 2pm.
