Seed funding

Screen Territory will support Northern Territory writers, directors and producers to explore the potential of creative ideas through the development of a treatment or proposal and support materials.

  • You can apply for up to $5,000 per applicant.

    Examples of formats that may be funded:

    • feature films
    • adult and children’s drama and narrative comedy including television series, miniseries, telemovies and web series
    • content-rich factual / documentary television or web programs.
  • You can apply if:

    • you meet Screen Territory’s general eligibility criteria
    • you are a Northern Territory resident or company
    • you are an experienced or emerging practitioner. Emerging practitioners will need to submit additional materials in order to demonstrate their capabilities. Screen Territory may require the attachment of a mentor or story consultant where appropriate.
  • Your application will be assessed taking into account:

    • the strength and distinctiveness of the concept or story idea, and its potential to engage an audience
    • the cultural significance of the project for the Northern Territory
    • the track record and demonstrated potential of the individual applicant or creative team
    • the feasibility of the development plan and appropriateness of the use of Screen Territory funds.
  • You must submit the following:

    • one-page CV for the applicant and key creative team
    • one-sentence synopsis
    • one-paragraph synopsis
    • a short document (no more than eight pages) that communicates the concept and the main points of the story and evokes the experience of the film
    • a simple ‘talk to camera’ video pitch of up to three minutes describing:
      • the concept for the project and its significance for the Northern Territory
      • the potential audience for the project
      • the current stage of the project (e.g. treatment, draft script or whatever form your project is in if your development plan is utilising more non-traditional approaches)
    • a brief development plan, setting out what you will do with the requested funding, including what you will spend the money on, and (where relevant) details of relationships with any mentors or more experienced practitioners who have volunteered to support you.

    If you do not have an eligible screen credit of at least 10 minutes in duration, you must also submit:

    • excerpt of script or treatment from any current or previous screen project (maximum five pages in total), and / or
    • other appropriate materials - such as links to short films or previous screen work - that demonstrate the storytelling style and abilities of the writer or writer / director.

Grant round dates

The funding program has three grant rounds. Open and closing dates for each grant round are listed below.

Round 1 Open: Monday 12 August 2024 Close: Monday 30 September 2024 @ 2pm
Round 2 Open: Monday 28 October 2024 Close: Monday 25 November 2024 @ 2pm
Round 3 Open: Monday 24 February 2025 Close: Monday 24 March 2025 @ 2pm