Project development

Screen Territory will support Northern Territory writers, directors and producers to contribute to a development plan appropriate to the stage of the project.

  • You can apply for up to $10,000 or $20,000 per applicant, depending on the level of experience.

    You may be funded more than once up to a total cap of $30,000, only after the previous grant has been successfully acquitted and significant development has taken place.

    Examples of formats that may be funded are:

    • feature films
    • adult and children’s drama and narrative comedy including television series, miniseries, telemovies and web series
    • content-rich factual and documentary theatrical, television or web programs.
  • You can apply if:

    • you meet Screen Territory’s general eligibility criteria
    • you are a Northern Territory resident or company
    • you hold the rights necessary to make the project or have an option to the rights in any and all works on which the project is based.

    For applications up to $10,000, you must have at least two eligible screen credits both at least 10 minutes in total duration.

    For applications of $10,001 to $20,000, you must have at least two eligible screen credits both at least one hour in total duration.

  • Your application will be assessed taking into account:

    • Applicant and / or creative team:
      • your track record and demonstrated potential in areas relevant to the project submitted
    • Project:
      • the strength and distinctiveness of the concept or story idea, and its potential to engage an audience
      • the cultural significance of the project for the Northern Territory
      • the strength and quality of the submitted story materials
      • the feasibility of the project, and its likelihood of reaching an audience, including the strength of any marketplace interest or commitment already in place
    • Development plan:
      • the development notes and the degree to which they articulate the issues to be faced in the next stage of development and outline the strategies to address them, and the appropriateness of the proposed delivery materials
      • the plan for use of Screen Territory funding, and the contributions of any other investors
      • the level of funding Screen Territory has previously committed to the project
    • Industry / business impact:
      • the percentage of copyright to be held by Territorians
      • the career benefits to Northern Territory key team members.
  • You must submit the following:

    • Applicant and creative team:
      • one-page CV for the applicant and key creative team
      • current production company CV (if applicable)
    • Project:
      • one-sentence synopsis
      • one-paragraph synopsis
      • a story document appropriate to the project and its stage of development:
        • features: an outline or ’short document’ (up to eight pages) or treatment (up to 20 pages, 10 pages preferred); or draft script (up to 120 pages, 12 point Courier font)
        • documentaries: an outline / short document (up to eight pages) or treatment
        • online and TV drama (series, one-off): an outline / short document (up to eight pages) or treatment or mini-bible and draft episode script
      • plan:
        • development plan (up to four pages) including:
          • your creative vision for the project
          • progress to date, your assessment of the issues you face in the next stage of development and your strategies for addressing them
          • what you propose to deliver with the Screen Territory funding
        • producer notes (up to three pages)
          • a statement setting out the business case for the project, why the project is important to the Northern Territory, and the strategy for moving the project towards financing and audience.
          • note: if a producer is not attached at this stage, you should address these points to the best of your ability; you must also explain why you have applied without a producer and outline your strategy and timeframe for securing one
        • development budget breakdown for your submitted development plan, reflecting Screen Territory's contribution and that of other investors including the applicant
      • supporting materials:
        • agreements for key creatives if applicable
        • if based on an underlying work, evidence that you hold an option or intend to purchase an option
        • if co-production with a non-NT company, evidence of key deal terms setting out sharing of creative involvement, credits, copyright, recoupment and profit entitlements
        • evidence of marketplace interest if applicable
        • if relying on the participation of a particular person or people, evidence that they consent to take part
      • Aboriginal participation or content:
        • a statement setting out how you are approaching the Aboriginal content or participation with regard to appropriate protocols, even if the content is not specific to a particular community or individual
        • evidence of consultation to date
        • if the project will involve particular Aboriginal individuals or communities, signed letters of consent confirming their willingness to participate.

Grant round dates

The funding program has three grant rounds. Open and closing dates for each grant round are listed below.

Round 1 Open: Monday 12 August 2024 Close: Monday 30 September 2024 @ 2pm
Round 2 Open: Monday 28 October 2024 Close: Monday 25 November 2024 @ 2pm
Round 3 Open: Monday 24 February 2025 Close: Monday 24 March 2025 @ 2pm